This Video Published Since or about 19 days ago ago, Hosted by and Published by Channel: Maya Channel Mohon izin Like Komen Subcribe Lirik video : Sabyan dan Nisa Sabyan She is also so pretty and beautiful young girl.Lirik lagu Al wabaa'a Sabyan (Nisa Sabyan) dwonload

Her fans are loving his Lagu of sholawat. Nissa Sabyan is now gaining fans from all around the world. Sholawat Jibril, Solawat Nariah Latin, Tibbil Qulub, Waqtu Sahar, Ya imamarusli and others. The most popular collection of salawat songs is Nissa Sabyan, including Ya Maulana, Deen Assalam, Ya Jamalu, Law Kana Bainanal Habib, Ya Habibal Qolbi, Rahman ya Rahman, Ya Asyiqol Musthofa, Ahmad Ya Habibi, Ya Taiba, Qomarun, Assalamualaika Ya Ya Habibal Qolbi, Rahman Ya Rahman, Yes Asyiqol Musthofa, Ahmad Yes Habibi, Ya Taiba, Qomarun, Assalamualaika Ya Rasulullah, Bil Qurani Saamdi, Sabyan Gambus was made originally for marriages. Sabyan Gambus consisting of several former Islamic boarding school students based in Jakarta. Sabyan Gambus began to be known to public because it often brings Islamic songs or prophet’s prayer, either by re-singing (cover) or singing new works. But now Nissa wants to focus on her music group first. From there, Nissa, who was just 19 years old in 2018, aspires to continue studying in the music major.

After graduating from junior high school, Nissa joined vocational high school. But when she was in 6th class of primary school she moved to Jakarta with her family. Nissa Sabyan was born in Lumajang and lived in Bandung. Her videos touched millions on YouTube from where she got fame and respect. Nissa is known to public for often singing (cover) songs with Islamic nuances or prophet salawat. Khoirunnisa, was born on known as Nissa Sabyan.She is an Indonesian singer who is a member Sabyan Gambus as a vocalist.